Week 20
The end. Like most ends it is also a beginning. We are constantly talking about next season and what we need to do to be ready for it. At the moment we need to till in a bunch of greenhouse arugula and lettuce before the caterpillars have a chance to get too comfy. We want it to be empty for a little while with no caterpillar food before we plant it again. We were hoping to do over-wintered spinach in it but I am not sure if it will be ready in time. It has been a horrible fall for both caterpillars and aphids. We have also had more weeds in the field than in previous years and my theory is that last year's late freeze allowed a lot of things to go to seed that wouldn't have if we had had a September frost. At some point in the season we stop weeding because there is so much other stuff to do and we assume the weeds won't have time to fully mature. I think we may have done the same thing this year and we are going have to be very proactive next year at depleting the weed seed bank. With a little extra time on our hands on Mondays we will spend the next few of them trying to get the fields cleaned up - rolling up drip tape, mowing, disking and general tidying so that we start next season organized.
The cauliflower we have been waiting on is ready and everywhere we look, including in the final farm share box. We are going to dig our first parsnips this morning, bunch some greens and cut some cabbages for you. The green cabbage is our storage cabbage and it will keep for months in your refrigerator if you want to hold off on eating it. We decided to go with a classic and give butternut squash this week. You might be getting a little stock pile of squash on your counter. They should also all keep for a while.
Come ready to make some decisions - there are a few choices for you this week.
Cauliflower - mostly white but some romanesco and purple as well
Butternut Squash
Bunched Green - assorted kale or chard
Choice of Parsnips/Celery Root/Turnip
Cabbage - Choice of Green/Red/Napa
Thank You
Monday, October 19, 2015
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Week 19
This is one of my favorite times of year on the farm. There is still lots to do but not so much that it is all we do. It is nice to have some balance - time to cook big meals, time to do little things around the house and time for us to spend a little time together doing something other than discussing vegetables.
It is also that time of year for us to say thanks for being a part of our farm share and our success. We are lucky to have both great customers and a great crew this year. For many of you, this week is your last. The rest of you will finish up next week but guess what? The farm stand is open until the end of November and we hope to see you all at some point between now and then. We think of the farm share as a debt we owe to all of you who so kindly paid up front in the spring and helped us get off to a good start. In that sense the end of the CSA leaves us debt free which feels great but I will miss the routine of packing boxes and seeing all of you every week. The farm provides a lot of structure in our lives and while that can turn into chaos in the summer it also makes me sad when it all disappears. We hope you all enjoyed the farm share as much as we appreciated you being a part of it. By choosing to buy from us you have impacted our lives but it also says that you support local farming, that you care about what you eat and that you care about the future of farming in our state. You probably don't think of it that way but your small decision is a part of the bigger picture. Thank you.
Those of you who didn't get cauliflower last week will get it this week. You all will have a choice of either kabocha squash or pie pumpkin this week.
Rainbow Carrots
Pie Pumpkin or Kabocha Squash - I sometimes see kabocha called a Japanese pumpkin. I love to use kabocha for baking so the choice of a pie pumpkin or kabocha seemed logical. Both are also great in savory dishes.
Red Cippolini Onions
Daikon Radish - You will either have a purple daikon or a Korean radish. Both are mild and besides eating them raw you can cook with them.
Bell Peppers
Fennel - large only
Sweet and Savory Pumpkin Thoughts
A neighbor and customer once brought us a custard filled pumpkin. She mentioned it was a recipe from the Frugal Gourmet and I found it on line. I also saw a coconut custard filled kabocha squash recipe that looked good. I think both probably work best with a smaller squash. I picked up some coconut milk to try the kabocha one soon.
In Thailand kobocha squash is sometimes stir fried with egg or ground pork. It is also great in fried rice or curry or sliced thin and braised on top of some chopped garlic and onion. Likewise your pumpkin can be used in savory dishes. It isn't just for pie!
This is one of my favorite times of year on the farm. There is still lots to do but not so much that it is all we do. It is nice to have some balance - time to cook big meals, time to do little things around the house and time for us to spend a little time together doing something other than discussing vegetables.
It is also that time of year for us to say thanks for being a part of our farm share and our success. We are lucky to have both great customers and a great crew this year. For many of you, this week is your last. The rest of you will finish up next week but guess what? The farm stand is open until the end of November and we hope to see you all at some point between now and then. We think of the farm share as a debt we owe to all of you who so kindly paid up front in the spring and helped us get off to a good start. In that sense the end of the CSA leaves us debt free which feels great but I will miss the routine of packing boxes and seeing all of you every week. The farm provides a lot of structure in our lives and while that can turn into chaos in the summer it also makes me sad when it all disappears. We hope you all enjoyed the farm share as much as we appreciated you being a part of it. By choosing to buy from us you have impacted our lives but it also says that you support local farming, that you care about what you eat and that you care about the future of farming in our state. You probably don't think of it that way but your small decision is a part of the bigger picture. Thank you.
Those of you who didn't get cauliflower last week will get it this week. You all will have a choice of either kabocha squash or pie pumpkin this week.
Rainbow Carrots
Pie Pumpkin or Kabocha Squash - I sometimes see kabocha called a Japanese pumpkin. I love to use kabocha for baking so the choice of a pie pumpkin or kabocha seemed logical. Both are also great in savory dishes.
Red Cippolini Onions
Daikon Radish - You will either have a purple daikon or a Korean radish. Both are mild and besides eating them raw you can cook with them.
Bell Peppers
Fennel - large only
Sweet and Savory Pumpkin Thoughts
A neighbor and customer once brought us a custard filled pumpkin. She mentioned it was a recipe from the Frugal Gourmet and I found it on line. I also saw a coconut custard filled kabocha squash recipe that looked good. I think both probably work best with a smaller squash. I picked up some coconut milk to try the kabocha one soon.
In Thailand kobocha squash is sometimes stir fried with egg or ground pork. It is also great in fried rice or curry or sliced thin and braised on top of some chopped garlic and onion. Likewise your pumpkin can be used in savory dishes. It isn't just for pie!
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Week 18
This week's box is exciting. Spinach!!! Delicata Squash!!! Leeks!!! I don't like to get too enthusiastic about delicata because there are so many delicious squashes out there and sometimes I feel like people only want delicatas. But, to be fair, they are pretty darn good and easy to cut and cook. One of our neighbors, who once told me that delicata squash changed her life, was chomping at the bit for one this year. She had eaten a grilled cheese sandwich with butternut squash and quince compote at a restaurant and wanted to make her own version with delicata. She used roasted rings of delicata, hot pepper jelly and gruyere cheese. Sounds delicious. I think some grilled onions (I love onions and gruyere together) or maybe some arugula or spinach would be good on it too. I look forward to making my own version soon. Last year when we visited Omaha I had an open faced sandwich with roasted squash, gravy and sharp cheddar. Although I haven't tried to replicate it, it was great.
Kelly is in Omaha this weekend tossing the football with his nephews and taking afternoon naps. After enjoying my trip last week, I am so happy he gets a chance to get away and relax as well. Besides, it is fun to have the house and farm to myself for a few days. Hopefully all of you who pick up on Monday show up tomorrow but not at the same time!
I had originally planned to give you some sort of root vegetable (turnip, rutabaga, diakon radish) but I think we will hold off until next week for a root veggie extravaganza! Now that is exciting, right? I know, root veggies don't elicit the same excitement as that first cucumber or first cherry tomato but they have their place in fall soups, mashes and stews.
Leeks - You could use your leeks with potatoes or cauliflower in a soup, roast with your squash or bake with chicken. They are easy to use and have a mellow onion flavor. I have not tried the recipe below but I like chick pea pancakes and thought they looked interesting. They also call for winter squash.
Delicata Squash- You could roast your squash with the leeks and poblanos for a delicious enchilada or quesadilla filling. They are good baked, roasted or steamed.
Poblano Peppers - These spicy peppers can be roasted and used with steak in tacos, chopped up and used in chili or in the classic Mexican dish chile rellenos.
Lettuce - Large Only
Cauliflower - I know, you were begining to wonder if we grew any this year. We lost a lot of our spring transplants during one of the heat spells earlier in the year but that planting has come and gone. I really don't understand why we aren't knee deep in the stuff at this point. Last year there was more cauliflower than we could fit in our walk-in and we planted a little extra this year. Over the next two or three weeks everyone will get a head. We had been holding off until we had a harvest large enough to get everyone in the same week but at this point it seems best to get the ball rolling.
Chickpea Pancakes with Leeks and Squash
This week's box is exciting. Spinach!!! Delicata Squash!!! Leeks!!! I don't like to get too enthusiastic about delicata because there are so many delicious squashes out there and sometimes I feel like people only want delicatas. But, to be fair, they are pretty darn good and easy to cut and cook. One of our neighbors, who once told me that delicata squash changed her life, was chomping at the bit for one this year. She had eaten a grilled cheese sandwich with butternut squash and quince compote at a restaurant and wanted to make her own version with delicata. She used roasted rings of delicata, hot pepper jelly and gruyere cheese. Sounds delicious. I think some grilled onions (I love onions and gruyere together) or maybe some arugula or spinach would be good on it too. I look forward to making my own version soon. Last year when we visited Omaha I had an open faced sandwich with roasted squash, gravy and sharp cheddar. Although I haven't tried to replicate it, it was great.
Kelly is in Omaha this weekend tossing the football with his nephews and taking afternoon naps. After enjoying my trip last week, I am so happy he gets a chance to get away and relax as well. Besides, it is fun to have the house and farm to myself for a few days. Hopefully all of you who pick up on Monday show up tomorrow but not at the same time!
I had originally planned to give you some sort of root vegetable (turnip, rutabaga, diakon radish) but I think we will hold off until next week for a root veggie extravaganza! Now that is exciting, right? I know, root veggies don't elicit the same excitement as that first cucumber or first cherry tomato but they have their place in fall soups, mashes and stews.
Leeks - You could use your leeks with potatoes or cauliflower in a soup, roast with your squash or bake with chicken. They are easy to use and have a mellow onion flavor. I have not tried the recipe below but I like chick pea pancakes and thought they looked interesting. They also call for winter squash.
Delicata Squash- You could roast your squash with the leeks and poblanos for a delicious enchilada or quesadilla filling. They are good baked, roasted or steamed.
Poblano Peppers - These spicy peppers can be roasted and used with steak in tacos, chopped up and used in chili or in the classic Mexican dish chile rellenos.
Lettuce - Large Only
Cauliflower - I know, you were begining to wonder if we grew any this year. We lost a lot of our spring transplants during one of the heat spells earlier in the year but that planting has come and gone. I really don't understand why we aren't knee deep in the stuff at this point. Last year there was more cauliflower than we could fit in our walk-in and we planted a little extra this year. Over the next two or three weeks everyone will get a head. We had been holding off until we had a harvest large enough to get everyone in the same week but at this point it seems best to get the ball rolling.
Chickpea Pancakes with Leeks and Squash
Monday, September 28, 2015
Week 17
Last night I flew home from a three day trip to Colorado for a wedding. You know you are at a wedding in a ski town when all the toasts not only toast the couple's future but also mention powder days. It was great to see some old friends and to walk under the gold leafed aspen trees. I cried at least three times at the beauty of the mountains this time of year. Perhaps it is because I lived in that valley during such a carefree time in my life (and that of my friends) or perhaps it is because I discovered so many new things while living there (hiking, skiing, the joy of rivers) or perhaps I was completely exhausted and just so thankful for a little rest! Regardless, it is a beautiful part of the world and I am so thankful I had the chance to visit. Next week Kelly will get his chance for a quick trip out of town. He is going to Omaha for his brother's 40th birthday. I am pretty sure I got the better deal in terms of destination but I am keeping that to myself. The ability to take those trips are a sign that our season is winding down. We even had a little frost on the ground at our house. The farm is usually a few degrees warmer on a cold morning so we probably did not have had one there.
After this week those of you who did not skip will have two more boxes and those of you who did skip a week will have three more boxes. If you didn't skip but wish to go an extra week you can always pay for an additional box.
Green Beans - hopefully
Acorn Squash
Salad Mix - Large Only
Head Lettuce - Small Only
Last night I flew home from a three day trip to Colorado for a wedding. You know you are at a wedding in a ski town when all the toasts not only toast the couple's future but also mention powder days. It was great to see some old friends and to walk under the gold leafed aspen trees. I cried at least three times at the beauty of the mountains this time of year. Perhaps it is because I lived in that valley during such a carefree time in my life (and that of my friends) or perhaps it is because I discovered so many new things while living there (hiking, skiing, the joy of rivers) or perhaps I was completely exhausted and just so thankful for a little rest! Regardless, it is a beautiful part of the world and I am so thankful I had the chance to visit. Next week Kelly will get his chance for a quick trip out of town. He is going to Omaha for his brother's 40th birthday. I am pretty sure I got the better deal in terms of destination but I am keeping that to myself. The ability to take those trips are a sign that our season is winding down. We even had a little frost on the ground at our house. The farm is usually a few degrees warmer on a cold morning so we probably did not have had one there.
After this week those of you who did not skip will have two more boxes and those of you who did skip a week will have three more boxes. If you didn't skip but wish to go an extra week you can always pay for an additional box.
Green Beans - hopefully
Acorn Squash
Salad Mix - Large Only
Head Lettuce - Small Only
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Week 16
With the equinox just around the corner and the ground littered with leaves it seems appropriate to start dishing out winter squash. Your first squash will be a spaghetti squash. There are people who think it tastes great with marinara. I am not one of them, but the strands are fun and it makes a simple side dish when tossed with some garlic, herbs and butter. It is also good tossed with butter, roasted kale, mushrooms and topped with a bit of Parmesan. Because it has a mild flavor you can season it any way you like. If you are looking for some inspiration and recipe ideas the Huffington Post has a couple dozen photos with recipe links you could check out.
We have only pulled spaghetti squash and some delicata (in your boxes soon, I promise) thus far but this week we hope to get the rest of it out of the field and into the barn. Where it is all going to go I have no idea! We didn't seed anymore than last year but after seeing how much space the spaghetti squash is taking up I am a little skeptical.
Beets - If you haven't jumped on the beet chip bandwagon yet here is your chance. Be careful, they are easy to burn.
Potatoes - We have been rubbing potatoes with oil, rolling them in course salt and rosemary and baking them right on the oven rack. So good - I forgot how tasty a good baked potato can be. I know what potatoes I would like to give you tomorrow but some of the varieties have a lot of bug damage so I am going to resist making promises about the variety but I find that even the waxy potatoes are great baked.
Turnips - These small Japanese white turnips star in a very nice short video in the Kitchen Vignettes segment on PBS. It is only three minutes long and shows you how to make soba noodles with turnips and shitake mushrooms. You can find the dancing turnip video here or if you would rather just check out the recipe it can be found here.
Cherry Tomatoes - last of the season!
Kohlrabi - We don't grow much kohlrabi because it isn't particularly popular but I think it tastes great. We had a salad tonight for dinner with some shaved radishes, kohlrabi, carrots and the the lettuce that most of you will be getting. I made a poppy seed dressing that I liked. It was much lighter than the really sweet poppy seed dressing you can buy. The whole salad was inspired by the recipe for a shaved turnip and radish salad from a beautiful cookbook I heard about on The Splendid Table radio show.
Spaghetti Squash
Zucchini - Large Only
Number Two Tomatoes - The slicing tomatoes haven't been looking great lately but summer is quickly coming to an end and we thought you might enjoy one last tomato even if it is a little on the ugly side.
With the equinox just around the corner and the ground littered with leaves it seems appropriate to start dishing out winter squash. Your first squash will be a spaghetti squash. There are people who think it tastes great with marinara. I am not one of them, but the strands are fun and it makes a simple side dish when tossed with some garlic, herbs and butter. It is also good tossed with butter, roasted kale, mushrooms and topped with a bit of Parmesan. Because it has a mild flavor you can season it any way you like. If you are looking for some inspiration and recipe ideas the Huffington Post has a couple dozen photos with recipe links you could check out.
We have only pulled spaghetti squash and some delicata (in your boxes soon, I promise) thus far but this week we hope to get the rest of it out of the field and into the barn. Where it is all going to go I have no idea! We didn't seed anymore than last year but after seeing how much space the spaghetti squash is taking up I am a little skeptical.
Beets - If you haven't jumped on the beet chip bandwagon yet here is your chance. Be careful, they are easy to burn.
Potatoes - We have been rubbing potatoes with oil, rolling them in course salt and rosemary and baking them right on the oven rack. So good - I forgot how tasty a good baked potato can be. I know what potatoes I would like to give you tomorrow but some of the varieties have a lot of bug damage so I am going to resist making promises about the variety but I find that even the waxy potatoes are great baked.
Turnips - These small Japanese white turnips star in a very nice short video in the Kitchen Vignettes segment on PBS. It is only three minutes long and shows you how to make soba noodles with turnips and shitake mushrooms. You can find the dancing turnip video here or if you would rather just check out the recipe it can be found here.
Cherry Tomatoes - last of the season!
Kohlrabi - We don't grow much kohlrabi because it isn't particularly popular but I think it tastes great. We had a salad tonight for dinner with some shaved radishes, kohlrabi, carrots and the the lettuce that most of you will be getting. I made a poppy seed dressing that I liked. It was much lighter than the really sweet poppy seed dressing you can buy. The whole salad was inspired by the recipe for a shaved turnip and radish salad from a beautiful cookbook I heard about on The Splendid Table radio show.
Spaghetti Squash
Zucchini - Large Only
Number Two Tomatoes - The slicing tomatoes haven't been looking great lately but summer is quickly coming to an end and we thought you might enjoy one last tomato even if it is a little on the ugly side.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Week 15
After Monday's pick-up I shucked about 15 ears of the multi-colored, open pollinated "sweet" corn that we put in your boxes. I took a bite out of each one raw (our pigs finished them). Two were sweet, some where a lot like the ones we had tried at lunch - not real sweet but nice flavor and some where horrible. A couple had the texture of paste. The bad ones were so bad that we didn't put them in Wednesday's boxes. They were just a bonus but bad produce isn't exactly a bonus.
If the sweet corn we grow is tasty and reliable, which I think it is, than why do we bother wasting space on a crapshoot? There are three reasons. Corn is an interesting crop and there are many sweet corn types. Supersweet hybrid corn, the most recent corn to be developed, can be up to 40 percent sugar. We grow what is called a sugary enhanced hybrid sweet corn. It converts sugars to starch slower then a normal sugary hybrid corn and is suppose to be sweeter and more tender. It isn't as sweet as supersweet but I am sure that it has a high sugar content. I made a corn soup earlier in the summer with nothing more than garlic, onions, chicken stock, thyme, a little carrot and corn that was bordering on too sweet for me. Modern sweet corn is bred for sugar and I am interested in something that while still sweet has less sugar and a more traditional corn flavor to grow in addition to the hybrid sweet corn. The multi colored corn is also higher in phytonutrients. The second reason is that although we grow several open pollinated varieties we are a hybrid heavy farm in general. We like vegetables that look and taste good and it is important for the success of our farm that we have good yields. Many open pollinated varieties have a lot of variability in looks, harvest window, flavor and some have poor disease resistance. As a result we often choose hybrid varieties. However, I believe that one of the reasons why there are not better open pollinated varieties out there is because a lot of time and money is put into developing hybrids. Hybrid seed is big business. While I don't have a problem with the concept of a hybrid they are often produced by companies whose policies I don't agree with and who also manufacture chemicals I would never support using in a garden. I think that buying open pollinated seed is important because it both encourages old varieties to be saved and new varieties to be developed by improving those older varieties. It also more likely to support smaller seed farms and individual plant breeders. This year we are also trialling several other OP varieties including a winter cabbage, a broccoli, a couple cucumbers, a couple peppers and some tomatoes. One of the best open pollinated item we grew this year was a watermelon that we look forward to growing in greater quantities next year. The final reason is that it is easy to get stuck in a rut and while growing things that you know do well isn't the worst rut you can be in, in the long run I think it can hold you back. Kelly just added that there is a fourth reason - because it is fun.
Anyway, you can still be pissed if your so called sweet corn had the texture of paste(I was) but at least you know where we where coming from!
Hope you all found a way to enjoy the amazing weekend. We had several customers inquire about winter squash this week and we should be pulling it out of the field soon. We have already pulled some spaghetti squash and some pumpkins. The Wednesday shares will be getting the fennel that we didn't have enough of previously.
Radishes - They're back.
Beans - Our new planting isn't picking great but I am hedging my bets.
Mixed Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes
Collards - Large Only
Shallots - Large Only
Fennel - Wednesday Only
After Monday's pick-up I shucked about 15 ears of the multi-colored, open pollinated "sweet" corn that we put in your boxes. I took a bite out of each one raw (our pigs finished them). Two were sweet, some where a lot like the ones we had tried at lunch - not real sweet but nice flavor and some where horrible. A couple had the texture of paste. The bad ones were so bad that we didn't put them in Wednesday's boxes. They were just a bonus but bad produce isn't exactly a bonus.
If the sweet corn we grow is tasty and reliable, which I think it is, than why do we bother wasting space on a crapshoot? There are three reasons. Corn is an interesting crop and there are many sweet corn types. Supersweet hybrid corn, the most recent corn to be developed, can be up to 40 percent sugar. We grow what is called a sugary enhanced hybrid sweet corn. It converts sugars to starch slower then a normal sugary hybrid corn and is suppose to be sweeter and more tender. It isn't as sweet as supersweet but I am sure that it has a high sugar content. I made a corn soup earlier in the summer with nothing more than garlic, onions, chicken stock, thyme, a little carrot and corn that was bordering on too sweet for me. Modern sweet corn is bred for sugar and I am interested in something that while still sweet has less sugar and a more traditional corn flavor to grow in addition to the hybrid sweet corn. The multi colored corn is also higher in phytonutrients. The second reason is that although we grow several open pollinated varieties we are a hybrid heavy farm in general. We like vegetables that look and taste good and it is important for the success of our farm that we have good yields. Many open pollinated varieties have a lot of variability in looks, harvest window, flavor and some have poor disease resistance. As a result we often choose hybrid varieties. However, I believe that one of the reasons why there are not better open pollinated varieties out there is because a lot of time and money is put into developing hybrids. Hybrid seed is big business. While I don't have a problem with the concept of a hybrid they are often produced by companies whose policies I don't agree with and who also manufacture chemicals I would never support using in a garden. I think that buying open pollinated seed is important because it both encourages old varieties to be saved and new varieties to be developed by improving those older varieties. It also more likely to support smaller seed farms and individual plant breeders. This year we are also trialling several other OP varieties including a winter cabbage, a broccoli, a couple cucumbers, a couple peppers and some tomatoes. One of the best open pollinated item we grew this year was a watermelon that we look forward to growing in greater quantities next year. The final reason is that it is easy to get stuck in a rut and while growing things that you know do well isn't the worst rut you can be in, in the long run I think it can hold you back. Kelly just added that there is a fourth reason - because it is fun.
Anyway, you can still be pissed if your so called sweet corn had the texture of paste(I was) but at least you know where we where coming from!
Hope you all found a way to enjoy the amazing weekend. We had several customers inquire about winter squash this week and we should be pulling it out of the field soon. We have already pulled some spaghetti squash and some pumpkins. The Wednesday shares will be getting the fennel that we didn't have enough of previously.
Radishes - They're back.
Beans - Our new planting isn't picking great but I am hedging my bets.
Mixed Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes
Collards - Large Only
Shallots - Large Only
Fennel - Wednesday Only
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Week 14
Today was a good day! Our friends Bill and Cat came over and we now have the arches of a greenhouse up next to our house.
Kelly, Bill and Cat have been working on it for the past several Tuesdays, getting the site ready, digging holes, sinking posts and putting together the trusses. Not every Tuesday went smoothly and I think everyone was really happy to see things go so well today. The greenhouse has been at the farm in pieces since Kelly took it apart in Elma and brought it to Shincke Road several years ago. I knew it would go up eventually but I think other people were beginning to doubt us. Perhaps it is because we have been talking about putting it up for six years! Sometimes it just takes a while for things to fall into place. The four of us celebrated with a nice fall meal of roasted potatoes, kale and chicken braised in mustard and white wine. For desert we had ice cream with homemade mini ice cream cones. I couldn't resist buying a pizzelle iron at a yard sale a couple weeks ago even though I had never made them. I think it was the picture on the box of the pizzelle rolled into a cone shape that sealed the deal.
The summer harvest is coming to close. Suddenly we have a ton of empty crates that used to be filled with melons and tomatoes. The end of melon season is sad but it gives a little break from lugging around heavy crates. Soon they will be filled with winter squash.
Hope you all are enjoying your labor day weekend.
Cherry Tomatoes
Poblano Peppers - Large Only
Cilantro - Large Only
Today was a good day! Our friends Bill and Cat came over and we now have the arches of a greenhouse up next to our house.
Kelly, Bill and Cat have been working on it for the past several Tuesdays, getting the site ready, digging holes, sinking posts and putting together the trusses. Not every Tuesday went smoothly and I think everyone was really happy to see things go so well today. The greenhouse has been at the farm in pieces since Kelly took it apart in Elma and brought it to Shincke Road several years ago. I knew it would go up eventually but I think other people were beginning to doubt us. Perhaps it is because we have been talking about putting it up for six years! Sometimes it just takes a while for things to fall into place. The four of us celebrated with a nice fall meal of roasted potatoes, kale and chicken braised in mustard and white wine. For desert we had ice cream with homemade mini ice cream cones. I couldn't resist buying a pizzelle iron at a yard sale a couple weeks ago even though I had never made them. I think it was the picture on the box of the pizzelle rolled into a cone shape that sealed the deal.
The summer harvest is coming to close. Suddenly we have a ton of empty crates that used to be filled with melons and tomatoes. The end of melon season is sad but it gives a little break from lugging around heavy crates. Soon they will be filled with winter squash.
Hope you all are enjoying your labor day weekend.
Cherry Tomatoes
Poblano Peppers - Large Only
Cilantro - Large Only
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Week 13
When I sat down to dinner on Thursday night I looked at my plate and I thought to myself we have turned a corner. It was a grilled steak, a hearty slice of bread grilled an smeared with garlic butter, roasted fennel and a bunch of roasted kale thrown on top of everything. Summer is fading and I think I am actually okay with that for once. We will be having tomatoes, corn and zucchinis tonight for dinner so summer isn't gone for good, but it is defiantly waning.
Today we chose not to open the stand on due to the high wind advisory and instead we will open for a bit on Sunday. We did our Sunday chores on Saturday and Sunday will be taken up mostly by having the stand open. It felt great to have just a small change in our routine. The work was the same but doing it in a different order was oddly refreshing and surprisingly confusing. So many times today I had to remind myself that it wasn't Sunday. I think one of the reasons why I am okay with shorter days, the rain, the big pile of kale on my plate is that I am ready for a little change in routine. Normally I cling to tomato season and sunshine with desperation!
Hope you all found the storm to be a refreshing change of pace and didn't loose any trees (I can hear Kelly running the chainsaw on the tree that went down on our fence as I write this).
Fennel - I love, love, love fennel. It pairs well with tomatoes, citrus, apples, celery and seafood. I love sautéing it until it caramelizes, I love it shaved in a salad, I love it just about anyway. Cooking it softens the flavor.
Colored Bells - Another beautiful thing about late summer is red, yellow and orange bell peppers.
Zucchini - No one has informed the current planting of zucchini that summer is on it's way out.
Tomatoes of some sort
Rainbow Chard - Large Only
When I sat down to dinner on Thursday night I looked at my plate and I thought to myself we have turned a corner. It was a grilled steak, a hearty slice of bread grilled an smeared with garlic butter, roasted fennel and a bunch of roasted kale thrown on top of everything. Summer is fading and I think I am actually okay with that for once. We will be having tomatoes, corn and zucchinis tonight for dinner so summer isn't gone for good, but it is defiantly waning.
Today we chose not to open the stand on due to the high wind advisory and instead we will open for a bit on Sunday. We did our Sunday chores on Saturday and Sunday will be taken up mostly by having the stand open. It felt great to have just a small change in our routine. The work was the same but doing it in a different order was oddly refreshing and surprisingly confusing. So many times today I had to remind myself that it wasn't Sunday. I think one of the reasons why I am okay with shorter days, the rain, the big pile of kale on my plate is that I am ready for a little change in routine. Normally I cling to tomato season and sunshine with desperation!
Hope you all found the storm to be a refreshing change of pace and didn't loose any trees (I can hear Kelly running the chainsaw on the tree that went down on our fence as I write this).
Fennel - I love, love, love fennel. It pairs well with tomatoes, citrus, apples, celery and seafood. I love sautéing it until it caramelizes, I love it shaved in a salad, I love it just about anyway. Cooking it softens the flavor.
Colored Bells - Another beautiful thing about late summer is red, yellow and orange bell peppers.
Zucchini - No one has informed the current planting of zucchini that summer is on it's way out.
Tomatoes of some sort
Rainbow Chard - Large Only
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Week 12
Six little spotted piglets arrived today. They are so cute! I have spent most of the last hour feeding them watermelon. They have had a lot of human interaction and are friendly. We will keep them in a secure area for a few days before putting them out on electric fence just to make sure they know this is home a.k.a where the food is to be found. However, these guys are so chill they probably would have been just fine outside right away. The first pasture they will be in is where I someday hope to plant a new orchard. We have 15 older apple trees at our house, which is great, but some plums, pears and quince would be nice.
There is corn for everyone this week. I am hoping to make a corn soup with some of the culled ears. If anyone has a recipe that they really like I would love to hear about it. I usually keep it really simple but it would be fun to try something new.
It isn't easy to pull off a nice planting of napa cabbage and from a distance I thought maybe we had, but up close there is a bit of browning on the outer leaves. As a result most of you will notice your napa cabbage looks rather pale. That is because we stripped off the out leaves and left you with the blanched interior. I love this vegetable. You can use it in place of regular cabbage if you like slaw. The leaves can be blanched and used instead of rice paper for spring rolls. It can be stir fried, used in peanut noodles, chopped in salads, used in soups or put on sandwiches. It is very versatile and mild tasting.
Cherry Tomatoes
Napa Cabbage
Slicing Tomatoes - Large Only
Green Beans - Large Only
Six little spotted piglets arrived today. They are so cute! I have spent most of the last hour feeding them watermelon. They have had a lot of human interaction and are friendly. We will keep them in a secure area for a few days before putting them out on electric fence just to make sure they know this is home a.k.a where the food is to be found. However, these guys are so chill they probably would have been just fine outside right away. The first pasture they will be in is where I someday hope to plant a new orchard. We have 15 older apple trees at our house, which is great, but some plums, pears and quince would be nice.
There is corn for everyone this week. I am hoping to make a corn soup with some of the culled ears. If anyone has a recipe that they really like I would love to hear about it. I usually keep it really simple but it would be fun to try something new.
It isn't easy to pull off a nice planting of napa cabbage and from a distance I thought maybe we had, but up close there is a bit of browning on the outer leaves. As a result most of you will notice your napa cabbage looks rather pale. That is because we stripped off the out leaves and left you with the blanched interior. I love this vegetable. You can use it in place of regular cabbage if you like slaw. The leaves can be blanched and used instead of rice paper for spring rolls. It can be stir fried, used in peanut noodles, chopped in salads, used in soups or put on sandwiches. It is very versatile and mild tasting.
Cherry Tomatoes
Napa Cabbage
Slicing Tomatoes - Large Only
Green Beans - Large Only
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Week 11
There is a farm share customer who always jokes that the purple carrots must have been planted too close to the beets. Well, using that logic, today you also have beets planted too close to the orange carrots! Interestingly, the orange carrots in your box most weeks, are descended from a wild carrot from Afghanistan that was purple. I have thrown around that tidbit of information since we started growing purple carrots but last winter I read a book called Eat on the Wild Side by Jo Robinson. I was prepared to dislike it because we had a few customers who seemed fanatical about it. It turned out to be really interesting and I recommend it. I won't bore you with a full critique and there were some parts of it that annoyed me but the historical information on how certain vegetables were developed and how sometimes nutrition was lost in the process was fascinating. She has a lot of interesting information on carrots including how the orange carrot came to be and also how much more nutritious purple carrots(higher in antioxidants) are than orange ones. Given that, I thought she might have a lot of negative stuff to say about golden beets but apparently they have some health benefits. Personally, I love them. They are not as earthy as red beets. They are mild, sweet and look beautiful when sliced in a salad. As a bonus they don't bleed so if you find red beets to be too messy golden beets might be up your alley.
We frantically pulled onions last Thursday just in case it really did rain on Friday. We were a little doubtful but what shower we got - such a nice change of pace to where rain gear. Looks like we are back to hot and sunny for a bit.
Small shares will have a choice of either cherry tomatoes or slicing tomatoes. Large shares will get both.
Have a great week.
Head Lettuce
Purple Carrots
Golden Beets
Ridiculously Large Sweet Onion - Some of these are so big they make me laugh. I know we might not share a sense of humor when in comes to vegetables but if you like sweet onions these will put a smile on your face.
Red Slicing Tomato
Cherry Tomatoes
Tomatillos - make some salsa - it is easy and delicious
Choice of Melon - We have lots of watermelon, some Tuscan melons, some piel de sapo and maybe a couple other random types.
Cilantro - Large Only
Bell Pepper - Large Only
There is a farm share customer who always jokes that the purple carrots must have been planted too close to the beets. Well, using that logic, today you also have beets planted too close to the orange carrots! Interestingly, the orange carrots in your box most weeks, are descended from a wild carrot from Afghanistan that was purple. I have thrown around that tidbit of information since we started growing purple carrots but last winter I read a book called Eat on the Wild Side by Jo Robinson. I was prepared to dislike it because we had a few customers who seemed fanatical about it. It turned out to be really interesting and I recommend it. I won't bore you with a full critique and there were some parts of it that annoyed me but the historical information on how certain vegetables were developed and how sometimes nutrition was lost in the process was fascinating. She has a lot of interesting information on carrots including how the orange carrot came to be and also how much more nutritious purple carrots(higher in antioxidants) are than orange ones. Given that, I thought she might have a lot of negative stuff to say about golden beets but apparently they have some health benefits. Personally, I love them. They are not as earthy as red beets. They are mild, sweet and look beautiful when sliced in a salad. As a bonus they don't bleed so if you find red beets to be too messy golden beets might be up your alley.
We frantically pulled onions last Thursday just in case it really did rain on Friday. We were a little doubtful but what shower we got - such a nice change of pace to where rain gear. Looks like we are back to hot and sunny for a bit.
Small shares will have a choice of either cherry tomatoes or slicing tomatoes. Large shares will get both.
Have a great week.
Head Lettuce
Purple Carrots
Golden Beets
Ridiculously Large Sweet Onion - Some of these are so big they make me laugh. I know we might not share a sense of humor when in comes to vegetables but if you like sweet onions these will put a smile on your face.
Red Slicing Tomato
Cherry Tomatoes
Tomatillos - make some salsa - it is easy and delicious
Choice of Melon - We have lots of watermelon, some Tuscan melons, some piel de sapo and maybe a couple other random types.
Cilantro - Large Only
Bell Pepper - Large Only
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Week 10
Sometimes when we put together boxes I realize they have a theme. This week's box was headed towards a purple theme before we switched things up a bit. Who needs all their anthocyanins in one week? I do think it would be fun to do a rainbow box - rainbow carrots, rainbow beets, rainbow chard. I will see if we can pull that off this fall when we have rainbow carrots available. We will have purple carrots for you in next week's box.
Hope you all had a great weekend.
Purple Potatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Slicing Tomatoes
Korean Melon
Herb Choice - basil, parsley or dill
Japanese Cucumber - Large Only
Bell Pepper - Small Only green or purple or a mix of both
Corn - Large Only
Sometimes when we put together boxes I realize they have a theme. This week's box was headed towards a purple theme before we switched things up a bit. Who needs all their anthocyanins in one week? I do think it would be fun to do a rainbow box - rainbow carrots, rainbow beets, rainbow chard. I will see if we can pull that off this fall when we have rainbow carrots available. We will have purple carrots for you in next week's box.
Hope you all had a great weekend.
Purple Potatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Slicing Tomatoes
Korean Melon
Herb Choice - basil, parsley or dill
Japanese Cucumber - Large Only
Bell Pepper - Small Only green or purple or a mix of both
Corn - Large Only
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Week 9
If you were to walk around the farm right now you would probably think it looks great but I see signs of decline. The plants look a little tired. I am happy it is August. It has felt like August for weeks and now, finally, it is okay that I feel exhausted, that everything has a quarter inch of dust on it, that I am tired of being hot, that I am eating tomatoes and watermelon. It is okay that I broke down and bought some tater tots at the corner store. It all makes sense now - it is August. Why those things were all happening in July I don't know and I don't really like it. I don't feel like any part of the garden or any crop is in particular jeopardy but things just aren't normal out there. It is unusual to see yellowing on both the melons and the winter squash leaves this early. I suspect it is just a sign that the plant is at a more mature state than it usually is this time of year. We won't be putting pie pumpkins in your boxes on Labor Day but they might be ready to harvest! One thing that has become normal for us is to see downy mildew in our onions. We have taken to purchasing an organic approved fungicide (actinovate) in the beginning of the season so that we are prepared. This year our onions look great, probably the best year ever, and there is no sign of downy mildew. I suppose that in some ways all this variation is normal. The weather is never consistent and no season is ever the same as the previous one.
Tonight after dinner we are going to go on a melon exploratory mission. Over the past week we have eaten one very under ripe watermelon, one almost ripe watermelon, one ripe decent watermelon and one fantastic ripe watermelon along with a decent pile de sapo melon. I don't know if we will have melons for your boxes tomorrow but we will definitely have some for you all to eat while you pack up your veggies.
I hope you all had a great weekend. Our tired faces may not always show it but we appreciate the heck out of you folks. Thank you for joining the farm share.
More than most weeks I am a little unsure of exactly what is going to be in your boxes. I will update this list when I become more certain.
Red Onion - Our onions are falling over already(the sign that they are done growing). These are mature onions but they are not cured/dried down. They can be left on your counter out in the open but they may attract fruit flies. Your other option is to put them in a bag in the fridge(don't do this with cured onions).
Cherry Tomatoes - Small Share Only
Slicing Tomatoes - Large Share Only
Green Cabbage- Small Share Only
Eggplant - Large Share Only
Melons - a definite maybe
The barley salad I made last week was awesome. Here is a link.
Grilled Vegetable and Barley Salad
If you were to walk around the farm right now you would probably think it looks great but I see signs of decline. The plants look a little tired. I am happy it is August. It has felt like August for weeks and now, finally, it is okay that I feel exhausted, that everything has a quarter inch of dust on it, that I am tired of being hot, that I am eating tomatoes and watermelon. It is okay that I broke down and bought some tater tots at the corner store. It all makes sense now - it is August. Why those things were all happening in July I don't know and I don't really like it. I don't feel like any part of the garden or any crop is in particular jeopardy but things just aren't normal out there. It is unusual to see yellowing on both the melons and the winter squash leaves this early. I suspect it is just a sign that the plant is at a more mature state than it usually is this time of year. We won't be putting pie pumpkins in your boxes on Labor Day but they might be ready to harvest! One thing that has become normal for us is to see downy mildew in our onions. We have taken to purchasing an organic approved fungicide (actinovate) in the beginning of the season so that we are prepared. This year our onions look great, probably the best year ever, and there is no sign of downy mildew. I suppose that in some ways all this variation is normal. The weather is never consistent and no season is ever the same as the previous one.
Tonight after dinner we are going to go on a melon exploratory mission. Over the past week we have eaten one very under ripe watermelon, one almost ripe watermelon, one ripe decent watermelon and one fantastic ripe watermelon along with a decent pile de sapo melon. I don't know if we will have melons for your boxes tomorrow but we will definitely have some for you all to eat while you pack up your veggies.
I hope you all had a great weekend. Our tired faces may not always show it but we appreciate the heck out of you folks. Thank you for joining the farm share.
More than most weeks I am a little unsure of exactly what is going to be in your boxes. I will update this list when I become more certain.
Red Onion - Our onions are falling over already(the sign that they are done growing). These are mature onions but they are not cured/dried down. They can be left on your counter out in the open but they may attract fruit flies. Your other option is to put them in a bag in the fridge(don't do this with cured onions).
Cherry Tomatoes - Small Share Only
Slicing Tomatoes - Large Share Only
Green Cabbage- Small Share Only
Eggplant - Large Share Only
Melons - a definite maybe
The barley salad I made last week was awesome. Here is a link.
Grilled Vegetable and Barley Salad
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Week 8
Usually when food magazines arrive this time of year they sit on the coffee table untouched but this month they ended up on the front seat of my car and I had a chance to glance at them on Saturday. A couple recipes caught my eye. One I am making tonight, the grilled vegetable and barley salad, along with the roast chicken with sumac, lemon and garlic from the same issue. Both will be modified a bit but I am looking forward to making them. The other is a pappardelle with arugula pesto and zucchini ribbons. I liked the way the zucchini ribbons mimicked the look of the pappardelle. I might try to make that a bit later in the week. I love cooking this time of year.
We unexpectedly welcomed seven new chicks to our animal family this week. Kelly came home late one night from turning off water and heard one of the chicks sending out a distress call from the one piece of landscaping we have in the front of our house - a big bush by the front door. It was stuck under a branch. We let our chickens roam (hence the no landscaping) and we recently saw some feathers and a coyote in the back field. We had assumed that the missing chickens (we don't count them when we close up the coop each night) had fallen prey to the coyote but apparently one was sitting on a clutch of eggs right by our front door for the last few weeks. It is sweet to see a hen and her chicks. They sometimes sit on top of her back or just peak their heads out of her wing feathers. We moved them from under the bush to a safer place and they are pretty fun to watch. If any of you need some new chicks for your flock I would love to find a nice home for them.
Alright back to the vegetables - happy cooking.
Sweet Onion - It is hard to believe that some of our onions are starting to fall over (a sign of maturity). If you feel the necks of these onions I bet you will find some that are starting to soften. The sweet onions are always the first to mature for us but usually until August.
Green Cabbage - Large Only
Dill - Large Only
Pappardelle with Summer Squash and an Arugula Walnut Pesto
Usually when food magazines arrive this time of year they sit on the coffee table untouched but this month they ended up on the front seat of my car and I had a chance to glance at them on Saturday. A couple recipes caught my eye. One I am making tonight, the grilled vegetable and barley salad, along with the roast chicken with sumac, lemon and garlic from the same issue. Both will be modified a bit but I am looking forward to making them. The other is a pappardelle with arugula pesto and zucchini ribbons. I liked the way the zucchini ribbons mimicked the look of the pappardelle. I might try to make that a bit later in the week. I love cooking this time of year.
We unexpectedly welcomed seven new chicks to our animal family this week. Kelly came home late one night from turning off water and heard one of the chicks sending out a distress call from the one piece of landscaping we have in the front of our house - a big bush by the front door. It was stuck under a branch. We let our chickens roam (hence the no landscaping) and we recently saw some feathers and a coyote in the back field. We had assumed that the missing chickens (we don't count them when we close up the coop each night) had fallen prey to the coyote but apparently one was sitting on a clutch of eggs right by our front door for the last few weeks. It is sweet to see a hen and her chicks. They sometimes sit on top of her back or just peak their heads out of her wing feathers. We moved them from under the bush to a safer place and they are pretty fun to watch. If any of you need some new chicks for your flock I would love to find a nice home for them.
Alright back to the vegetables - happy cooking.
Sweet Onion - It is hard to believe that some of our onions are starting to fall over (a sign of maturity). If you feel the necks of these onions I bet you will find some that are starting to soften. The sweet onions are always the first to mature for us but usually until August.
Green Cabbage - Large Only
Dill - Large Only
Pappardelle with Summer Squash and an Arugula Walnut Pesto
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Week 7
We got our last planting of carrots seeded about a week ago. It is the largest planting of the year and has fresh eating carrots of all colors as well as our winter storage carrots that we sell bulk bags of in the fall. Kelly flamed most of the beds this morning and I did the last two as my meager contribution when I came back from delivery. We try to flame weed all our carrot and beet beds. Ideally the bed is made several days before we seed the carrots so that the weeds have a jump start. Sometimes we have to seed into freshly formed beds and it is still a worthwhile use of time and propane to flame the beds before the carrots emerge. We use the beets as an indicator. When we notice the first beets starting to germinate we flame the carrots the next day. Typically the carrots pop up a day or two later. The beds still get hand weeded but it gives the carrots a head start and decreases the weeds considerably.
Currently we have the propane tank attached to an old metal backpack frame and we wave the wand back and forth over the bed as we walk down the path. A newer, better system is in our near future but this one has worked great for us the past several years.
We got our last planting of carrots seeded about a week ago. It is the largest planting of the year and has fresh eating carrots of all colors as well as our winter storage carrots that we sell bulk bags of in the fall. Kelly flamed most of the beds this morning and I did the last two as my meager contribution when I came back from delivery. We try to flame weed all our carrot and beet beds. Ideally the bed is made several days before we seed the carrots so that the weeds have a jump start. Sometimes we have to seed into freshly formed beds and it is still a worthwhile use of time and propane to flame the beds before the carrots emerge. We use the beets as an indicator. When we notice the first beets starting to germinate we flame the carrots the next day. Typically the carrots pop up a day or two later. The beds still get hand weeded but it gives the carrots a head start and decreases the weeds considerably.
![]() |
Our fall carrot beds and the flame weeder. |
Tomato - As Kelly predicted you all had tomatoes last week but they were stretched a little thin. I know that those of you that had cherry tomatoes probably finished them before you got home!
Japanese Cucumber
Red Cabbage - little guys
Arugula - Large Only
I am including a recipe for cucumber agua fresca because it is easy, refreshing, a beautiful color and super tasty. If green beverages scare you (the water softens the color and makes it more opaque, I think it looks refreshing) you could peel the cucumber but I don't bother. Below the agua fresca recipe is a link to a recipe for a white pizza topped with arugula. Both Ian and Kelli who help harvest your veggies on Monday are nuts about arugula on pizza and this is one of Kelli's favorite recipes.
Cucumber Agua Fresca
In a blender (I have to hold out a half cup water in my blender so it doesn't overflow) combine the following:
1 Japanese cucumber broken into a few pieces
1/4 lime juice
1/4 cup to 1/2 cup sugar (I use a 1/4 cup and find it plenty sweet but there are those who disagree)
3 cups water
Blend until mixture is smooth. Strain into a jar or pitcher, chill and serve over ice.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Week 6
I heard two tales of beet greens from farm share members this week. One member put the sautéed beet greens on buttered toast with an egg for breakfast and the other liked them so much he came by on Saturday to see if we had more. Hope the rest of you enjoyed them as well. Kelly sautéed them with onions and garlic and we had them with grilled salmon and steamed potatoes tossed with butter and parsley. Sometimes simple meals really hit the spot.
Another farm share customer came by to pick up a few things on Saturday and asked what we thought was going to be in the box. Kelly ran down the list of likely suspects and ended with iceberg lettuce. She laughed. No, really, there might be iceberg lettuce in your boxes. Those of you who don't get it tomorrow will get to try it another week. Will it be different? I don't know the answer to that because we haven't eaten one yet. My refrigerator hasn't seen an iceberg lettuce since we bought our house and to be honest I am looking forward to checking it out. I am including a recipe for carrot dressing, similar to the kind Japanese steakhouses serve, that would be great with iceberg or the napa cabbage that is in large shares or really on just about any salad.
Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbors Porch Day aka National Zucchini Day isn't until August 8th but we will be having all you can eat zucchini early this year. Our first planting is always the biggest and if we are going to do it now is the time. We will pick the big, the small and the mediums. Get out your spiralizer, your loaf pan and fire up the grill. Last year I added a recipe for turkey zucchini burgers to the blog and since then we have also started to mix zucchini with ground chicken or pork when we make pot stickers or dumplings - so good. I know there are a lot of jokes about zucchini in the summer and a lot of people who think it is tasteless but I never tire of eating it.
Green Beans
Bunched Sweet Onions - Yum
Napa Cabbage - Large Only
Tomatoes - Kelly thinks there are enough tomatoes for everyone if we give some slicers and some cherries. I don't believe him but I remain hopeful.
Carrot Dressing - adapted from Moosewood Low-Fat Favorites
I use my mini chop for this because I use my mini chop for everything but a vitamix or a powerful blender might give you a smoother consistency. The original recipe calls for a little bit of silken tofu. I have never tried it but I bet it makes it nice and creamy. I love this dressing and my quantities are twice what the original called for, I also add more oil and a little less ginger. I realize that adding oil to a low-fat recipe doesn't do it any favors in the fat department but as far as dressings go it is still better than most and I think the extra oil improves the texture. I have added miso to it on occasion as well. If I had just a smidgen less self control I would probably drink this stuff! It could easily be cut in half if you are uncertain if you will like it. The recipe below dresses four good sized salads or six smaller side salads.
2 carrots, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons mirin (when I don't have this I usually add a little more rice vinegar and a touch of honey)
4 tablespoons rice vinegar (also good with cider vinegar)
3 tablespoons mild tasting veggie oil.
2 tablespoons tamari or soy sauce
1 teaspoon Sesame Oil
4 to 6 thin slices of ginger
Put everything in a food processor or blender and blend until it is as smooth as you can get it.
I heard two tales of beet greens from farm share members this week. One member put the sautéed beet greens on buttered toast with an egg for breakfast and the other liked them so much he came by on Saturday to see if we had more. Hope the rest of you enjoyed them as well. Kelly sautéed them with onions and garlic and we had them with grilled salmon and steamed potatoes tossed with butter and parsley. Sometimes simple meals really hit the spot.
Another farm share customer came by to pick up a few things on Saturday and asked what we thought was going to be in the box. Kelly ran down the list of likely suspects and ended with iceberg lettuce. She laughed. No, really, there might be iceberg lettuce in your boxes. Those of you who don't get it tomorrow will get to try it another week. Will it be different? I don't know the answer to that because we haven't eaten one yet. My refrigerator hasn't seen an iceberg lettuce since we bought our house and to be honest I am looking forward to checking it out. I am including a recipe for carrot dressing, similar to the kind Japanese steakhouses serve, that would be great with iceberg or the napa cabbage that is in large shares or really on just about any salad.
Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbors Porch Day aka National Zucchini Day isn't until August 8th but we will be having all you can eat zucchini early this year. Our first planting is always the biggest and if we are going to do it now is the time. We will pick the big, the small and the mediums. Get out your spiralizer, your loaf pan and fire up the grill. Last year I added a recipe for turkey zucchini burgers to the blog and since then we have also started to mix zucchini with ground chicken or pork when we make pot stickers or dumplings - so good. I know there are a lot of jokes about zucchini in the summer and a lot of people who think it is tasteless but I never tire of eating it.
Green Beans
Bunched Sweet Onions - Yum
Napa Cabbage - Large Only
Tomatoes - Kelly thinks there are enough tomatoes for everyone if we give some slicers and some cherries. I don't believe him but I remain hopeful.
Carrot Dressing - adapted from Moosewood Low-Fat Favorites
I use my mini chop for this because I use my mini chop for everything but a vitamix or a powerful blender might give you a smoother consistency. The original recipe calls for a little bit of silken tofu. I have never tried it but I bet it makes it nice and creamy. I love this dressing and my quantities are twice what the original called for, I also add more oil and a little less ginger. I realize that adding oil to a low-fat recipe doesn't do it any favors in the fat department but as far as dressings go it is still better than most and I think the extra oil improves the texture. I have added miso to it on occasion as well. If I had just a smidgen less self control I would probably drink this stuff! It could easily be cut in half if you are uncertain if you will like it. The recipe below dresses four good sized salads or six smaller side salads.
2 carrots, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons mirin (when I don't have this I usually add a little more rice vinegar and a touch of honey)
4 tablespoons rice vinegar (also good with cider vinegar)
3 tablespoons mild tasting veggie oil.
2 tablespoons tamari or soy sauce
1 teaspoon Sesame Oil
4 to 6 thin slices of ginger
Put everything in a food processor or blender and blend until it is as smooth as you can get it.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Week 5
You have something in your box that is a bit unusual for this time of year - baby beet greens. Because our seeder drops too many beet seeds per inch we thin every planting of beets we sow. In order to get them to size up into nice round beets we go through and pull seedlings so that we can fit three fingers between each plant. In the spring, with the first planting, we will bunch and sell some of the baby greens. They are delicious. They also are a bit nostalgic for us. When we lived in Maine they were everywhere in the spring and they were something many Mainers seemed to love. At market there would be big wooden boxes filled with a mess of tangled greens. We insist on sizing and bunching them because we can't help ourselves.
We realized last night that about 10 years ago Kelly and I went on our first date. We grabbed a sandwich from the Belfast, Maine Co-op and ate on the rocks by the water after market. I am sure you can all relate to the feeling of things seeming like they weren't that long ago. I must have thought about it three times…could it really be 10 years. We will be joining you in eating beet greens this week and we will make a toast to the place where we met and that we both have such a fondness for.
Typically we only sell greens from the first planting because we don't have a lot of other variety and we have the time to mess with them but we have a planting of beets at the moment that needs to be thinned and Kelly thinks the greens look awesome. We are going to take some extra time tomorrow and clean and bunch them for your boxes. They are a little milder than full sized beet green and if you like beet flavor you can leave the little root on depending on how large it is. If it is very tiny we just cut the tap root off and then chop up and saute the whole thing at once. If the beets are a touch larger I will separate them from the green and saute them for a few minutes before I add the greens. Before you cook them they should be swished around in a big bowl of water to remove any dirt.
We got all the squash uncovered that I mentioned last week. The stuff on South Bay was removed at the perfect time and looks great. The squash that was planted the same week but at some land we lease off of 46th was a bit large and the plants came tumbling out when we removed the row cover. They will be fine but they look a little stressed out. I am not sure why they are bigger. Typically I think of that field being a little behind our others. It doesn't get as much sun and the soil is heavier. Perhaps those conditions were actually favorable with our hot, dry spring.
Hope you all had a nice 4th of July and have found the elusive secret perfect swimming hole that no one else knows about!
Beet Greens
New Potatoes
Basil - Large Only
Raspberries - Large Only
You have something in your box that is a bit unusual for this time of year - baby beet greens. Because our seeder drops too many beet seeds per inch we thin every planting of beets we sow. In order to get them to size up into nice round beets we go through and pull seedlings so that we can fit three fingers between each plant. In the spring, with the first planting, we will bunch and sell some of the baby greens. They are delicious. They also are a bit nostalgic for us. When we lived in Maine they were everywhere in the spring and they were something many Mainers seemed to love. At market there would be big wooden boxes filled with a mess of tangled greens. We insist on sizing and bunching them because we can't help ourselves.
We realized last night that about 10 years ago Kelly and I went on our first date. We grabbed a sandwich from the Belfast, Maine Co-op and ate on the rocks by the water after market. I am sure you can all relate to the feeling of things seeming like they weren't that long ago. I must have thought about it three times…could it really be 10 years. We will be joining you in eating beet greens this week and we will make a toast to the place where we met and that we both have such a fondness for.
Typically we only sell greens from the first planting because we don't have a lot of other variety and we have the time to mess with them but we have a planting of beets at the moment that needs to be thinned and Kelly thinks the greens look awesome. We are going to take some extra time tomorrow and clean and bunch them for your boxes. They are a little milder than full sized beet green and if you like beet flavor you can leave the little root on depending on how large it is. If it is very tiny we just cut the tap root off and then chop up and saute the whole thing at once. If the beets are a touch larger I will separate them from the green and saute them for a few minutes before I add the greens. Before you cook them they should be swished around in a big bowl of water to remove any dirt.
We got all the squash uncovered that I mentioned last week. The stuff on South Bay was removed at the perfect time and looks great. The squash that was planted the same week but at some land we lease off of 46th was a bit large and the plants came tumbling out when we removed the row cover. They will be fine but they look a little stressed out. I am not sure why they are bigger. Typically I think of that field being a little behind our others. It doesn't get as much sun and the soil is heavier. Perhaps those conditions were actually favorable with our hot, dry spring.
Hope you all had a nice 4th of July and have found the elusive secret perfect swimming hole that no one else knows about!
Beet Greens
New Potatoes
Basil - Large Only
Raspberries - Large Only
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Week 4
Yippee, there are clouds in the sky. All that sunshine was slowing me down. The tomatoes on the other hand were thrilled with the sunshine. I ate my first BLT on Friday. I can't believe I ate a BLT in June. It was a bit messy because cherry tomatoes don't really work that well on sandwiches. Even when you cut them in half they want to pop out the sides. So, it was a bit of a messy, unconventional BLT, but it was delicious. The weather forecast is calling for more tomato weather and I hope there will be more cherry tomatoes for everyone soon.
We have been busy on the farm, but not really getting as much done as we would like. The weeds won the battle last week. Hopefully we can take control of the situation this week. The peppers and the winter squash have been covered with row cover since we planted them and we are going to remove the row cover this week. I know there are some weeds in the beds that are as big as the peppers. I have peaked under the row cover and checked out both the peppers and the squash and they look awesome despite the weeds. If you drive by the fields on South Bay on Monday you will see rows of covered squash and paths of lettuce and weeds. If you drive by next week hopefully you will see some nice healthy squash plants, the two weediest beds of lettuce tilled in (the lettuce has either been harvested or bolted) and everything looking very orderly. I love order in the fields even if it fleeting.
Your box is filled with lots veggies I associate with the 4th and with picnics this week. The potatoes are little new potatoes and while I like to make a production out of most things they are amazing just steamed. I have a feeling there aren't many snap peas out there and we are probably done with them but if we get a significant amount tomorrow your box may differ a little from below. There is no lettuce this week but your cabbage can fill in in salads and provide an awesome crunch on sandwiches. I ate a delicious slaw/salad at a neighbors house this weekend with thinly sliced cabbage, turnips, scallions, cucumbers, sesame seeds and a sesame vinaigrette.
Enjoy your veggies.
Hope you all had a nice weekend.
Bok Choy
Zucchini - yellow and green
New Potatoes
Summer Turnips - Large Only
Raspberries - Only shares that didn't receive them last week
Yippee, there are clouds in the sky. All that sunshine was slowing me down. The tomatoes on the other hand were thrilled with the sunshine. I ate my first BLT on Friday. I can't believe I ate a BLT in June. It was a bit messy because cherry tomatoes don't really work that well on sandwiches. Even when you cut them in half they want to pop out the sides. So, it was a bit of a messy, unconventional BLT, but it was delicious. The weather forecast is calling for more tomato weather and I hope there will be more cherry tomatoes for everyone soon.
We have been busy on the farm, but not really getting as much done as we would like. The weeds won the battle last week. Hopefully we can take control of the situation this week. The peppers and the winter squash have been covered with row cover since we planted them and we are going to remove the row cover this week. I know there are some weeds in the beds that are as big as the peppers. I have peaked under the row cover and checked out both the peppers and the squash and they look awesome despite the weeds. If you drive by the fields on South Bay on Monday you will see rows of covered squash and paths of lettuce and weeds. If you drive by next week hopefully you will see some nice healthy squash plants, the two weediest beds of lettuce tilled in (the lettuce has either been harvested or bolted) and everything looking very orderly. I love order in the fields even if it fleeting.
Your box is filled with lots veggies I associate with the 4th and with picnics this week. The potatoes are little new potatoes and while I like to make a production out of most things they are amazing just steamed. I have a feeling there aren't many snap peas out there and we are probably done with them but if we get a significant amount tomorrow your box may differ a little from below. There is no lettuce this week but your cabbage can fill in in salads and provide an awesome crunch on sandwiches. I ate a delicious slaw/salad at a neighbors house this weekend with thinly sliced cabbage, turnips, scallions, cucumbers, sesame seeds and a sesame vinaigrette.
Enjoy your veggies.
Hope you all had a nice weekend.
Bok Choy
Zucchini - yellow and green
New Potatoes
Summer Turnips - Large Only
Raspberries - Only shares that didn't receive them last week
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Week 3
Finally, summer is here! Oh wait, it has been summer for the last month. When I first moved here I heard the word Junuary used to describe a cold and rainy June and I thought it was funny. I don't find myself wishing for Junuary but I do find myself wishing for rain on a daily basis. There is no sense in complaining about the heat, which I kind of like, but I am all about wishing for rain as a positive alternative to whining about how hot I am.
Every summer I have a wish list of sorts. It is stuff I want to make and eat and places I want to go. I call it a wish list because I don't usually go anywhere in the summer (not that bad of deal, really) and I don't always have the chance to cook an elaborate meal. This summer I am determined to do something that has been on my wish list for years - go to a Tacoma Rainiers game. I bet you didn't know I was a baseball fan. Actually, I am not, but there is just something really summery about having a beer and a hot dog at a minor league game. On the eating front I have too many to list but held over from last year and still on my mind are peach pie, cold cucumber soup and beet burgers. You are getting beets in your box today and I will include a link to the recipe…maybe you will get around to making them before I do. I do realize that I am not going to convince those of you who don't like beets to like them but I am also including a recipe for a vegan chocolate beet cupcakes that I hope to make soon for the two guys working with us this summer and a beet hummus that seems to be a little trendy at the moment with customers at the stand. I made it by tossing a beet into my usual hummus recipe which involves no measuring and as a result never tastes the same. For those of you who prefer a recipe to just throwing everything willy nilly into the food processor I have included a link below. In the hummus I made the beet flavor was subtle but the color was amazing! I didn't use any mint but I love mint with beets and that sounds good. I also like cumin with beets and a few toasted cumin seeds might be a nice garnish.
Have a great first week of summer. We should have zucchinis and new potatoes for next week.
Snap Peas
Japanese Cucumber - Last week the small shares had an American slicer and the large shares had an American slicer and a Japanese cuke. This week everyone is getting a Japanese style cucumber. They are the one that we prefer but you can let me know what you think. In general you will see more American style slicing cukes in your boxes because we grow more of them. In order to get a nice looking Japanese cucumber they need to be trellised and pruned and we only do that in the high tunnels. The American slicers get a small planting in the high tunnel for early cukes and then our field planted in larger quantities.
Berries - You will have some berries - they may be all strawberries, there may be some raspberries - tough to make an accurate prediction. Our raspberry patch is in decline. We tilled up some new ground but it wasn't ready to plant this spring so sadly an epic raspberry year is ways in the future.
Butterhead Lettuce - Large Only
Salad Mix - Large Only
Parsley - Large Only
Swiss Chard - Small Only
Beet Hummus looks beautiful and tastes great.
Vegan Beet Cupcakes Beets and chocolate sounds weird but it actually is pretty tasty and a great way into fooling someone who doesn't like beets into eating them.
Grilled Beet Burgers - It was the color of these burgers and the pretty photos that intrigued me along with the thought that they are nothing like anything I normally cook. The fact they have feta cheese in them probably peeked my interest as well.
Finally, summer is here! Oh wait, it has been summer for the last month. When I first moved here I heard the word Junuary used to describe a cold and rainy June and I thought it was funny. I don't find myself wishing for Junuary but I do find myself wishing for rain on a daily basis. There is no sense in complaining about the heat, which I kind of like, but I am all about wishing for rain as a positive alternative to whining about how hot I am.
Every summer I have a wish list of sorts. It is stuff I want to make and eat and places I want to go. I call it a wish list because I don't usually go anywhere in the summer (not that bad of deal, really) and I don't always have the chance to cook an elaborate meal. This summer I am determined to do something that has been on my wish list for years - go to a Tacoma Rainiers game. I bet you didn't know I was a baseball fan. Actually, I am not, but there is just something really summery about having a beer and a hot dog at a minor league game. On the eating front I have too many to list but held over from last year and still on my mind are peach pie, cold cucumber soup and beet burgers. You are getting beets in your box today and I will include a link to the recipe…maybe you will get around to making them before I do. I do realize that I am not going to convince those of you who don't like beets to like them but I am also including a recipe for a vegan chocolate beet cupcakes that I hope to make soon for the two guys working with us this summer and a beet hummus that seems to be a little trendy at the moment with customers at the stand. I made it by tossing a beet into my usual hummus recipe which involves no measuring and as a result never tastes the same. For those of you who prefer a recipe to just throwing everything willy nilly into the food processor I have included a link below. In the hummus I made the beet flavor was subtle but the color was amazing! I didn't use any mint but I love mint with beets and that sounds good. I also like cumin with beets and a few toasted cumin seeds might be a nice garnish.
Have a great first week of summer. We should have zucchinis and new potatoes for next week.
Snap Peas
Japanese Cucumber - Last week the small shares had an American slicer and the large shares had an American slicer and a Japanese cuke. This week everyone is getting a Japanese style cucumber. They are the one that we prefer but you can let me know what you think. In general you will see more American style slicing cukes in your boxes because we grow more of them. In order to get a nice looking Japanese cucumber they need to be trellised and pruned and we only do that in the high tunnels. The American slicers get a small planting in the high tunnel for early cukes and then our field planted in larger quantities.
Berries - You will have some berries - they may be all strawberries, there may be some raspberries - tough to make an accurate prediction. Our raspberry patch is in decline. We tilled up some new ground but it wasn't ready to plant this spring so sadly an epic raspberry year is ways in the future.
Butterhead Lettuce - Large Only
Salad Mix - Large Only
Parsley - Large Only
Swiss Chard - Small Only
Beet Hummus looks beautiful and tastes great.
Vegan Beet Cupcakes Beets and chocolate sounds weird but it actually is pretty tasty and a great way into fooling someone who doesn't like beets into eating them.
Grilled Beet Burgers - It was the color of these burgers and the pretty photos that intrigued me along with the thought that they are nothing like anything I normally cook. The fact they have feta cheese in them probably peeked my interest as well.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Week 2
A couple of you came by the stand this weekend and bought some potatoes from an early experimental planting. It was a small planting and we sold the last of them on Saturday. I expected a gap between them and our main planting of potatoes but it looks like you should have some potatoes in your boxes in a couple weeks. Kelly hilled them for the third and maybe the final time today. The plants are starting to flower. I dug around under one of the early varieties and pulled out a couple small potatoes. I knew they wouldn't be big enough to justify harvesting them but I couldn't resist checking. This year the potatoes are at our South Bay Road fields at Thunder Mountain Farm. We are very unoriginal when it comes to names. For example with our chickens we have a Golden Laced Wyndotte named Goldie, a Buff Orpington named Buffy and a Welsummer named Welsie. We used similar naming methods on our tractors. The Farmall 100 we use to hill the potatoes is called The Hundy. The Hundy is a great tractor and up until this year we used it for other stuff as well. This year we have been able to leave the hilling disks and shoes on it so it is ready to go with some minor adjustments whenever we want to hill the potatoes.
The current planting of broccoli is also at South Bay. It looks and tastes great. We are having some on our pizza tonight for dinner(as soon as I hit post I am headed for the kitchen). I have been thinking about making it for at least a week and can't wait.
Hope you all find some yummy ways to use your veggies this week.
Snap Peas
Snow Peas - not a ton but plenty for a stir fry or sautéed with some carrots.
Cucumbers - out of the high tunnel
Dill - We have been using a lot of dill this spring. It is great with carrots, snap peas and of course also with cucumbers.
Radishes - Large Only
A couple of you came by the stand this weekend and bought some potatoes from an early experimental planting. It was a small planting and we sold the last of them on Saturday. I expected a gap between them and our main planting of potatoes but it looks like you should have some potatoes in your boxes in a couple weeks. Kelly hilled them for the third and maybe the final time today. The plants are starting to flower. I dug around under one of the early varieties and pulled out a couple small potatoes. I knew they wouldn't be big enough to justify harvesting them but I couldn't resist checking. This year the potatoes are at our South Bay Road fields at Thunder Mountain Farm. We are very unoriginal when it comes to names. For example with our chickens we have a Golden Laced Wyndotte named Goldie, a Buff Orpington named Buffy and a Welsummer named Welsie. We used similar naming methods on our tractors. The Farmall 100 we use to hill the potatoes is called The Hundy. The Hundy is a great tractor and up until this year we used it for other stuff as well. This year we have been able to leave the hilling disks and shoes on it so it is ready to go with some minor adjustments whenever we want to hill the potatoes.
Kelly checking to see if there are any adjustments to be made |
Shoes in the back and disks on the belly - both help push soil towards the row |
The current planting of broccoli is also at South Bay. It looks and tastes great. We are having some on our pizza tonight for dinner(as soon as I hit post I am headed for the kitchen). I have been thinking about making it for at least a week and can't wait.
Hope you all find some yummy ways to use your veggies this week.
Snap Peas
Snow Peas - not a ton but plenty for a stir fry or sautéed with some carrots.
Cucumbers - out of the high tunnel
Dill - We have been using a lot of dill this spring. It is great with carrots, snap peas and of course also with cucumbers.
Radishes - Large Only
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Week 1
Here we go again!
We hope you all are looking forward to the first of many boxes of vegetables you will pick up this season. If you ever have any questions about the vegetables in your boxes (how to cook, how to best keep them fresh, what the heck it is, etc) please speak up. Sometimes, because they are so familiar to Kelly and me, we forget to offer up information.
If you ever want to take a walk around the farm please do. One of us can even follow behind you telling you all sorts of stuff you may or may not be interested in hearing! Looking around every few weeks will give you an idea of how we succession plant and how quickly things change this time of year.
I don't know why I am surprised that we are in just a wee bit of veggie chaos. This time of year is always hectic. We have a couple great people working with us this year and they stayed late every day last week to help get us caught back up. It is okay to be a little behind but some things can't be corrected if they don't get done on time. Fortunately, everything is still within our grasp at the moment.
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow or Wednesday. Enjoy the sunshine.
Carrots - These are great raw but also delicious roasted (I know, you are all dying to use your oven this week).
Head Lettuce - The lettuce is always so beautiful this time of year.
Snap Peas - plump and juicy with an edible pod
Green Cabbage
Bunched Turnips - My standard line for these is that many people cook them but I prefer them raw. That is probably still true but I did add some to a Thai curry and loved them. I think I might try sautéing them soon.
Strawberries - These have been really good this year.
Rainbow Chard - Large Only - Don't let the big leaves fool you they are nice and tender. I peaked under the row cover we use as pest protection (cucumber beetles) on Friday and surprise! The plants had grown so much since we last weeded them.
Happy Eating!
Here we go again!
We hope you all are looking forward to the first of many boxes of vegetables you will pick up this season. If you ever have any questions about the vegetables in your boxes (how to cook, how to best keep them fresh, what the heck it is, etc) please speak up. Sometimes, because they are so familiar to Kelly and me, we forget to offer up information.
If you ever want to take a walk around the farm please do. One of us can even follow behind you telling you all sorts of stuff you may or may not be interested in hearing! Looking around every few weeks will give you an idea of how we succession plant and how quickly things change this time of year.
I don't know why I am surprised that we are in just a wee bit of veggie chaos. This time of year is always hectic. We have a couple great people working with us this year and they stayed late every day last week to help get us caught back up. It is okay to be a little behind but some things can't be corrected if they don't get done on time. Fortunately, everything is still within our grasp at the moment.
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow or Wednesday. Enjoy the sunshine.
Carrots - These are great raw but also delicious roasted (I know, you are all dying to use your oven this week).
Head Lettuce - The lettuce is always so beautiful this time of year.
Snap Peas - plump and juicy with an edible pod
Green Cabbage
Bunched Turnips - My standard line for these is that many people cook them but I prefer them raw. That is probably still true but I did add some to a Thai curry and loved them. I think I might try sautéing them soon.
Strawberries - These have been really good this year.
Rainbow Chard - Large Only - Don't let the big leaves fool you they are nice and tender. I peaked under the row cover we use as pest protection (cucumber beetles) on Friday and surprise! The plants had grown so much since we last weeded them.
Happy Eating!
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