Sunday, June 10, 2018

Week 2

We hope you all enjoyed your first week of the farm share.  This week's box is filled with lots of spring veggie candy - baby carrots, snap peas and strawberries, oh my.

Friday's rain was much needed and we even fired up the wood stove for what I suspect will be the last time and ate take-out on the couch.  It was a very relaxing end to what was a very busy week.  It feels pretty good to be on our full summer schedule with the gardens really starting to produce loads of veggies.  I am thankful that we have a great crew and even with all the additional harvest last week, we got a lot of weeding and transplanting done as well.

There are lots of good meals to be had in your boxes this week.

Oak Leaf Lettuce - This lettuce has the slippery texture of butter lettuce.  Some of you will get the green which is a pretty lime color and others will get the red which is also beautiful with its dark outer leaves and green core.
Snap Peas - You can eat the whole thing.
New Potatoes - Super creamy - these will cook more quickly than you are probably use to.  Because they have thin skins they need to be eaten soon.  They will not store like later season potatoes.
Turnips - This planting got big on us.  Don't be afraid of the larger size.  They don't get woody or pithy like a radish.  They actually get juicier.  I like them sliced raw but you can also briefly sautee them or they make a great pickle.
Strawberries - The only thing on the farm that wasn't thrilled with the rain.
Arugula - Large Only
Garlic - Large Only - Basque, our earliest garlic.  It is not dried down.  We will be digging it tomorrow.  It should either be kept out with good air flow on the counter or stored in the fridge.

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