Monday, July 5, 2021

Week 7

There was lots of talk of last week's heat at market this week.  Pretty much every farm took some sort of hit, from shellfish to berries.  In retrospect I made a poor decision to transplant out some cabbages, kale and broccoli mid week, about 1200 plants.  They were in small plug flats, 128 to a tray.  The greenhouse that we keep our seedlings in has no climate control, poor ventilation and even with the shade cloth on it is stuffy and hot.  At a little over three weeks from seeding they were more than ready to go out.  I doubted hanging onto them for another week would do them any favors.  The cauliflower, which seems to be the most sensitive to transplant, we held on to and didn't transplant.  I thought if we just watered the heck out of them they would do better in the ground than the start house.  I was wrong.  The cauliflower, while a little long in the tooth was fine, but we lost a lot of the stuff we transplanted, probably more than half.  We won't feel that loss until the very end of August and September.  We have another planting seeded three weeks after that one that typically would overlap slightly so we should be able to weather it okay.  

On the happy side of things I ate my first Sungold cherry tomato this week.  





Potatoes - True new potatoes with super thin skins and creamy flesh.  They won't keep long, refrigerate if you aren't going to eat them ASAP.  

Scallions - Small Only

Cauliflower - Large Only

Mystery Item - Large Only


  1. The heat was brutal!!!! Thanks to you & all you crew!!!

  2. So nice to meet you this afternoon. Lovin' the veggies.
